" Vim syntax file " Language: Objective C " Maintainer: Julien Nadeau source $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/objc.vim set nocindent set nocompatible source $HOME/.vim/syntax/c.vim " Agar syn keyword cType AG_DriverCocoa AG_CocoaWindow AG_CocoaListener syn keyword cType AG_CocoaView syn keyword cType NSTrackingArea syn keyword cType NSWindowDelegate syn keyword cType NSRect CGFloat " Foundation / Value Objects syn keyword cType NSAffineTransform NSCalendar NSCache NSData NSMutableData syn keyword cType NSPurgeableData NSDate NSCalendarDate NSDateComponents syn keyword cType NSDecimalNumberHandler NSLocale NSNull NSTimeZone syn keyword cType NSValue NSNumber NSDecimalNumber NSValueTransformer " Foundation / XML syn keyword cType NSXMLNode NSXMLParser NSXMLDocument NSXMLDTD NSXMLDTDNode syn keyword cType NSXMLElement " Foundation / Strings syn keyword cType NSAttributedString NSMutableAttributedString syn keyword cType NSCharacterSet NSMutableCharacterSet NSString NSMutableString syn keyword cType NSFormatter NSDateFormatter NSNumberFormatter NSSortDescriptor " Foundation / Collections syn keyword cType NSArray NSMutableArray NSDictionary NSMutableDictionary syn keyword cType NSEnumerator NSDirectoryEnumerator NSHashTable NSIndexPath syn keyword cType NSIndexSet NSMutableIndexSet NSMapTable NSPointerArray syn keyword cType NSPointerFunctions NSSet NSMutableSet NSCountedSet " Foundation / Predicates syn keyword cType NSExpression NSPredicate NSComparisonPredicate NSCompoundPredicate " Foundation / OS Services syn keyword cType NSError NSHost NSNetService NSNetServiceBrowser NSOrthography syn keyword cType NSProcessInfo NSRunLoop NSSpellServer NSTextCheckingResult syn keyword cType NSTimer NSUserDefault " Foundation / OS Services / Filesystem syn keyword cType NSBundle NSFileHandle NSFileManager NSMetadataItem syn keyword cType NSMetadataQuery NSMetadataQueryAttributeValueTuple syn keyword cType NSMetadataQueryResultGroup NSStream NSInputStream NSOutputStream " Foundation / OS Services / URL syn keyword cType NSCachedURLResponse NSHTTPCookie NSHTTPCookieStorage syn keyword cType NSURL NSURLAuthorizationChallenge NSURLCache syn keyword cType NSURLConnection NSURLCredential NSURLCredentialStorage syn keyword cType NSURLDownload NSURLProtectionSpace NSURLProtocol syn keyword cType NSURLRequest NSMutableURLRequest NSURLResponse syn keyword cType NSHTTPURLResponse " Foundation / OS Services / IPC syn keyword cType NSPipe NSPort NSMachPort NSMessagePort NSSocketPort syn keyword cType NSPortMessage NSPortNameServer NSMachBootstrapServer syn keyword cType NSMessagePortNameServer NSSocketPortNameServer " Foundation / OS Services / Locking and Threading syn keyword cType NSConditionLock NSDistributedLock NSLock NSOperation syn keyword cType NSBlockOperation NSInvocationOperation NSOperationQueue syn keyword cType NSRecursiveLock NSTask NSThread " Foundation / Notifications syn keyword cType NSNotification NSNotificationCenter NSDistributedNotificationCenter syn keyword cType NSNotificationQueue " Foundation / Archiving and Serialization syn keyword cType NSCoder NSArchiver NSKeyedArchiver NSKeyedUnarchiver syn keyword cType NSPortCoder NSUnarchiver NSPropertyListSerialization " Foundation / Objective-C Language Services syn keyword cType NSAssertionHandler NSAutoreleasePool syn keyword cType NSClassDescription NSException NSGarbageCollector syn keyword cType NSInvocation NSMethodSignature NSUndoManager " Foundation / Scripting "syn keyword cType NSAppleEventDescriptor NSAppleEventManager NSAppleScript "syn keyword cType NSPositionalSpecifier NSScriptCoercionHandler NSScriptCommand "syn keyword cType NSScriptCommandDescription NSScriptExecutionContext "syn keyword cType NSScriptObjectSpecifier NSScriptSuiteRegistry "syn keyword cType NSScriptWhoseTest " Foundation / Distributed Objects syn keyword cType NSConnection NSDistantObjectRequest NSDistantObject syn keyword cType NSProtocolChecker " AppKit / UI syn keyword cType NSObject syn keyword cType NSController NSObjectController NSArrayController syn keyword cType NSDictionaryController NSTreeController NSTreeNode syn keyword cType NSUserDefaultsController syn keyword cType NSAlert NSCell NSActionCell NSBrowserCell NSImageCell syn keyword cType NSTextAttachmentCell NSButtonCell NSFormCell NSPathCell syn keyword cType NSSegmentedCell NSSliderCell NSStepperCell NSTextFieldCell syn keyword cType NSComboBoxCell NSPathComponentCell NSSearchFieldCell syn keyword cType NSSecureTextFieldCell NSTableHeaderCell syn keyword cType NSCollectionViewItem NSDockTile NSEvent NSMenu NSMenuItem syn keyword cType NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate NSResponder NSApplication syn keyword cType NSDrawer NSWindow NSPanel NSColorPanel NSFontPanel NSSavePanel syn keyword cType NSOpenPanel NSWindowController NSView NSBox NSClipView syn keyword cType NSCollectionView NSControl NSBrowser NSButton NSPopUpButton syn keyword cType NSColorWell NSImageView NSMatrix NSForm NSPathControl syn keyword cType NSRuleEditor NSPredicateEditor NSScroller NSPredicateEditor syn keyword cType NSSegmentedControl NSSlider NSStepper NSTableView NSTextField syn keyword cType NSComboBox NSSearchField NSSecureTextField NSMenuView syn keyword cType NSMovieView NSOpenGLView NSProgressIndicator NSQuickDrawView syn keyword cType NSRulerView NSScrollView NSSplitView NSTableView " Text syn keyword cType NSTableHeaderView NSText NSTextView NSGlyphInfo syn keyword cType NSGlyphGenerator NSLayoutManager NSParagraphStyle syn keyword cType NSMutableParagraphStyle NSTextAttachment NSTextBlock syn keyword cType NSTextTable NSTextTableBlock NSTextContainer NSTextList syn keyword cType NSTextStorage NSTextTab NSTypesetter NSATSTypesetter " Fonts syn keyword cType NSFont NSFontManager NSFontDescriptor " Graphics (Quartz) syn keyword cType NSAffineTransform NSAnimationContext NSBezierPath syn keyword cType NSCursor NSGradient NSGraphicsContext NSImage NSImageRep syn keyword cType NSBitmapImageRep NSCachedImageRep NSCIImageRep NSCustomImageRep syn keyword cType NSEPSImageRep NSPDFImageRep NSPICTImageRep NSMovie syn keyword cType NSOpenGLContext NSOpenGLLayer NSOpenGLPixelBuffer syn keyword cType NSOpenGLPixelFormat NSScreen NSShadow CIColor NSColor syn keyword cType NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute syn keyword cType NSColorList NSColorPicker " Document support and printing syn keyword cType NSDocument NSPersistentDocument NSDocumentController syn keyword cType NSFileWrapper NSPageLayout NSPrinter NSPrintInfo syn keyword cType NSPrintOperation NSPrintPanel " OS Services and Input character support syn keyword cType NSHelpManager NSPasteboard NSSound NSSpeechRecognizer syn keyword cType NSSpeechSynthesizer NSSpellChecker NSWorkspace NSTextInputContext " Interface builder support syn keyword cType NSNib NSNibConnector NSNibControlConnector NSNibOutletConnector