/* $OpenBSD: code.c,v 1.6 2008/01/12 17:30:42 ragge Exp $ */ /* * Copyright(C) Caldera International Inc. 2001-2002. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code and documentation must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditionsand the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed or owned by Caldera * International, Inc. * Neither the name of Caldera International, Inc. nor the names of other * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * USE OF THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED FOR UNDER THIS LICENSE BY CALDERA * INTERNATIONAL, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CALDERA INTERNATIONAL, INC. BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OFLIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ # include "pass1.h" short log2tab[] = {0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3}; #define LOG2SZ 9 void defalign(n) { /* cause the alignment to become a multiple of n */ n /= SZCHAR; if( lastloc != PROG && n > 1 ) printf( " .align %d\n", n >= 0 && n < LOG2SZ ? log2tab[n] : 0 ); } /* * output something to define the current position as label n */ void deflab1(int n) { printf(LABFMT ":\n", n); } void efcode(){ /* code for the end of a function */ if (cftnsp->stype != STRTY+FTN && cftnsp->stype != UNIONTY+FTN) return; cerror("efcode"); #ifdef notyet if( strftn ){ /* copy output (in R2) to caller */ register NODE *l, *r; register struct symtab *p; register TWORD t; register int j; int i; p = &stab[curftn]; t = p->stype; t = DECREF(t); deflab( retlab ); i = getlab(); /* label for return area */ printf(" .data\n" ); printf(" .align 2\n" ); deflab1(i); printf("\t.space %d\n", tsize(t, p->dimoff, p->sizoff)/SZCHAR); printf(" .text\n" ); psline(); printf(" movab " LABFMT ",r1\n", i); reached = 1; l = block( REG, NIL, NIL, PTR|t, p->dimoff, p->sizoff ); l->rval = 1; /* R1 */ l->lval = 0; /* no offset */ r = block( REG, NIL, NIL, PTR|t, p->dimoff, p->sizoff ); r->rval = 0; /* R0 */ r->lval = 0; l = buildtree( UNARY MUL, l, NIL ); r = buildtree( UNARY MUL, r, NIL ); l = buildtree( ASSIGN, l, r ); l->op = FREE; ecomp( l->left ); printf( " movab " LABFMT ",r0\n", i ); /* turn off strftn flag, so return sequence will be generated */ strftn = 0; } branch( retlab ); printf( " .set .R%d,0x%x\n", ftnno, ent_mask[reg_use] ); reg_use = 11; p2bend(); fdefflag = 0; #endif } void bfcode(struct symtab **a, int n) { int i; if (cftnsp->stype != STRTY+FTN && cftnsp->stype != UNIONTY+FTN) return; /* Function returns struct, adjust arg offset */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) a[i]->soffset += SZPOINT(INT); } void bccode(){ /* called just before the first executable statment */ /* by now, the automatics and register variables are allocated */ SETOFF( autooff, SZINT ); #if 0 /* set aside store area offset */ p2bbeg( autooff, regvar ); reg_use = (reg_use > regvar ? regvar : reg_use); #endif } void ejobcode( flag ){ /* called just before final exit */ /* flag is 1 if errors, 0 if none */ } void bjobcode() { } #if 0 aobeg(){ /* called before removing automatics from stab */ } aocode(p) struct symtab *p; { /* called when automatic p removed from stab */ } aoend(){ /* called after removing all automatics from stab */ } #endif void defnam( p ) register struct symtab *p; { /* define the current location as the name p->soname */ if( p->sclass == EXTDEF ){ printf( " .globl %s\n", exname( p->soname ) ); } printf( "%s:\n", exname( p->soname ) ); } void bycode( t, i ){ /* put byte i+1 in a string */ i &= 07; if( t < 0 ){ /* end of the string */ if( i != 0 ) printf( "\n" ); } else { /* stash byte t into string */ if( i == 0 ) printf( " .byte " ); else printf( "," ); printf( "0x%x", t ); if( i == 07 ) printf( "\n" ); } } int fldal( t ) unsigned t; { /* return the alignment of field of type t */ uerror( "illegal field type" ); return( ALINT ); } void fldty( p ) struct symtab *p; { /* fix up type of field p */ ; } /* * XXX - fix genswitch. */ int mygenswitch(int num, TWORD type, struct swents **p, int n) { return 0; } #ifdef notyet struct sw heapsw[SWITSZ]; /* heap for switches */ genswitch(p,n) register struct sw *p;{ /* p points to an array of structures, each consisting of a constant value and a label. The first is >=0 if there is a default label; its value is the label number The entries p[1] to p[n] are the nontrivial cases */ register i; register CONSZ j, range; register dlab, swlab; range = p[n].sval-p[1].sval; if( range>0 && range <= 3*n && n>=4 ){ /* implement a direct switch */ swlab = getlab(); dlab = p->slab >= 0 ? p->slab : getlab(); /* already in r0 */ printf(" casel r0,$%ld,$%ld\n", p[1].sval, range); deflab1(swlab); for( i=1,j=p[1].sval; i<=n; j++) { printf(" .word " LABFMT "-" LABFMT "\n", (j == p[i].sval ? ((j=p[i++].sval), p[i-1].slab) : dlab), swlab); } if( p->slab >= 0 ) branch( dlab ); else deflab1(dlab); return; } if( n>8 ) { /* heap switch */ heapsw[0].slab = dlab = p->slab >= 0 ? p->slab : getlab(); makeheap(p, n, 1); /* build heap */ walkheap(1, n); /* produce code */ if( p->slab >= 0 ) branch( dlab ); else deflab1(dlab); return; } /* debugging code */ /* out for the moment if( n >= 4 ) werror( "inefficient switch: %d, %d", n, (int) (range/n) ); */ /* simple switch code */ for( i=1; i<=n; ++i ){ /* already in r0 */ printf( " cmpl r0,$" ); printf( CONFMT, p[i].sval ); printf( "\n jeql " LBLFMT "\n", p[i].slab ); } if( p->slab>=0 ) branch( p->slab ); } makeheap(p, m, n) register struct sw *p; { register int q; q = select(m); heapsw[n] = p[q]; if( q>1 ) makeheap(p, q-1, 2*n); if( q m ) break; l = ((k = i/2 - 1) + 1)/2; return( l + (m-k < l ? m-k : l)); } walkheap(start, limit) { int label; if( start > limit ) return; printf(" cmpl r0,$%d\n", heapsw[start].sval); printf(" jeql " LBLFMT "\n", heapsw[start].slab); if( (2*start) > limit ) { printf(" jbr " LBLFMT "\n", heapsw[0].slab); return; } if( (2*start+1) <= limit ) { label = getlab(); printf(" jgtr " LBLFMT "\n", label); } else printf(" jgtr " LBLFMT "\n", heapsw[0].slab); walkheap( 2*start, limit); if( (2*start+1) <= limit ) { deflab1(label); walkheap( 2*start+1, limit); } } #endif /* * Called with a function call with arguments as argument. * This is done early in buildtree() and only done once. */ NODE * funcode(NODE *p) { return p; }