# $OpenBSD: Makefile.in,v 1.2 2007/09/15 22:04:39 ray Exp $ # # Makefile for the Fortran 77 command # Running on the @targmach@ # Generating code for the @targmach@ # Using the Johnson C compiler's second pass (binary version) TARGOS = @targos@ TARGMACH = @targmach@ MDIR=../arch/$(TARGMACH) YFLAGS=-d COMPFLGS = -O -DFORTRAN -DTARGET=@targmach@ -DFAMILY=SCJ -DHERE=VAX -DOUTPUT=BINARY -DPOLISH=POSTFIX -I../os/${TARGOS} -I../arch/${TARGMACH} -I. -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes FILES = Makefile defs.h defines.h ftypes.h scjdefs tokens fio.h\ driver.c \ main.c proc.c init.c\ gram.head gram.dcl gram.expr gram.exec gram.io\ lex.c equiv.c data.c expr.c exec.c intr.c\ io.c misc.c error.c put.c putscjb.c f77md.c f77md2.c OBJECTS = main.o init.o proc.o gram.o lex.o \ equiv.o data.o expr.o exec.o intr.o io.o misc.o error.o\ put.o putscjb.o f77md.o f77md2.o compiler: f77 f77pass1 f77 : f77.o f77md.o $(CC) f77.o f77md.o -o f77 @size f77 f77pass1 : $(OBJECTS) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) -o f77pass1 @size f77pass1 gram.c: gram.head gram.dcl gram.expr gram.exec gram.io tokdefs ( sed gram.in $(YACC) $(YFLAGS) gram.in mv y.tab.c gram.c mv y.tab.h gram.h rm gram.in tokdefs: tokens grep -n . tokdefs lex.o : tokdefs driver.o $(OBJECTS) : defs.h defines.h ftypes.h fio.h :# /usr/sif/fort/libI77/fio.h # @echo "***Warning : /usr/sif/fort/libI77/fio.h has changed***" archall: ar rc ../fortarch $(FILES) arch : ../fortarch ../fortarch: $(FILES) @ar uv ../fortarch $? @wc ../fortarch printall: pr $(FILES) | $P touch print print: $(FILES) pr $? | $P touch print lint: @echo "nohup lint -p ... >Lintout&" @nohup lint -p error.c exec.c intr.c expr.c gram.c init.c io.c\ lex.c main.c proc.c misc.c put.c putscjb.c vax.c vaxx.c\ equiv.c data.c -lS >Lintout& clean: -rm -f gram.c *.o f77 f77pass1 du install: install -s f77 $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin install -s f77pass1 $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib src : $(FILES) vaxdefs cp $? /usr/src/cmd/f77 touch src .c.o : cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(COMPFLGS) $*.c f77md.o: $(MDIR)/f77md.c $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(COMPFLGS) -o $@ $(MDIR)/f77md.c f77md2.o: $(MDIR)/f77md2.c $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(COMPFLGS) -o $@ $(MDIR)/f77md2.c