#print How many words in the file "o" do not contain a slash "/"? Type "answer N", where N is the number of words. #create o o o' oaf oaf/ish oaf/ish/ly oaf/ish/ness oak oak/en oaks oa/kum oar oared oar/fish oar/lock oars/man oa/ses oa/sis oat oat/cake oat/en oath oaths oat/meal ob/bli/ga/ti ob/bli/ga/to obbligatos ob/con/ic ob/cor/date ob/du/ra/cy ob/du/rate ob/du/rate/ly ob/du/rate/ness obe/ah obe/di/ence obe/di/ent obe/di/ent/ly obei/sance obei/sant ob/e/li ob/e/lisk ob/e/lize ob/e/lus obese obe/si/ty obey obey/er ob/fus/cate ob/fus/ca/tion ob/fus/ca/to/ry obi obit obit/u/ary ob/ject ob/jec/ti/fi/ca/tion ob/jec/ti/fy ob/jec/tion ob/jec/tion/able ob/jec/tion/able/ness ob/jec/tion/ably ob/jec/tive ob/jec/tive/ly ob/jec/tive/ness ob/jec/tiv/ism ob/jec/tiv/ist ob/jec/tiv/is/tic ob/jec/tiv/i/ty ob/ject/less ob/jec/tor ob/jur/gate ob/jur/ga/tion ob/jur/ga/to/ry ob/lan/ceo/late oblast ob/late oblate oblate/ness obla/tion ob/li/gate ob/li/gate/ly ob/li/ga/tion oblig/a/to/ri/ly oblig/a/to/ry oblige ob/li/gee oblig/er oblig/ing oblig/ing/ly oblig/ing/ness ob/li/gor oblique oblique/ly oblique/ness obliq/ui/ty oblit/er/ate oblit/er/a/tion #copyin #user #uncopyin #match 19 #log #next 7.1a