#once #create message .ND .tr %$ .EQ delim $$ .EN .LP One thing that you will occasionally need is to be able to get a literal { or } in your output, for an expression like .EQ { "{" a + b "}" } over 2 .EN The way to do this is to place the braces that are really to appear ______inside ______quotes, like this: .EQ { "{" a + b "}" } over 2 .EN .br The quotes temporarily turn off the special meaning of the braces so that you can have them printed. The file "Example" has a lot of square brackets in it. Modify them so they are all braces when they are printed - so they look like this - then type "ready". .pl 1 #once #create Ref .LP .EQ f"{" x sub 1 ,..., x sub n "}" ~=~ "{" x sub 1 ,..., x sub n "}" .EN .pl 1 #once #create Example .LP .EQ f[ x sub 1 ,..., x sub n ] ~=~ [ x sub 1 ,..., x sub n ] .EN .pl 1 # #once neqn Ref | nroff >X1 & #once neqn message Ref | nroff -T$term %s/tinyms - #user neqn Example | nroff >X2 #cmp X1 X2 #log #next 6.1a 10