#print Since spaces are thrown away, what do you do when you want spaces? The answer is that you have to ask for them explicitly. If you type a "~" (tilde) it will be replaced by a space on output; use one tilde for each space. Thus to get a + b you need .EQ a~+~b .EN Modify the equation in file "Example" so there is one space around each of the operators =, + and -, so it looks like a = b + c - d Print it with neqn and nroff -ms to verify it. Type "ready" when done. #once #create Ref .PP You probably thought you were done with this ridiculous example of just .EQ a ~=~ b ~+~ c ~-~d .EN Sorry, but you will probably even see it again. .pl 1 #once neqn Ref | nroff >X1 & #once #create Example .PP You probably thought you were done with this ridiculous example of just .EQ a = b + c -d .EN Sorry, but you will probably even see it again. .pl 1 #user neqn Example | nroff >X2 #cmp X1 X2 #log #next 2.1c 10 2.2b 5