#print There is nothing to force you to write a main program on each file; just as I supplied "getnum" on a separate file, you can put different routines on different files. Write a function "length(s)" which if given a character array argument "s" returns the length of that string. Put this on a file named "length.c", and leave the object file in "length.o". Write the main program for testing this somewhere else. Type "ready" when you have compiled and tested your program and are happy with it. #once #create Ref This file contains several lines of quite different lengths. You should get all of them exactly r right. #once #create answer 60 0 14 19 1 6 #once #create tzaqc.c main() { char s[200]; while (gets(s)) printf("%d\n", length(s)); } #user cc tzaqc.c length.c a.out value #cmp value answer #succeed /* one way */ length(s) char *s; { int k; for (k=0; s[k]; k++) ; return(k); } #log #next 19.1a 10