# $OpenBSD: c-lang,v 1.4 2008/05/08 01:40:57 chl Exp $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # c-lang: file(1) magic for C programs (or REXX) # # XPM icons (Greg Roelofs, newt@uchicago.edu) # if you uncomment "/*" for C/REXX below, also uncomment this entry #0 string /*\ XPM\ */ X pixmap image data # this first will upset you if you're a PL/1 shop... # in which case rm it; ascmagic will catch real C programs #0 string /* C or REXX program text #0 string // C++ program text # From: Mikhail Teterin 0 string cscope cscope reference data >7 string x version %.2s # We skip the path here, because it is often long (so file will # truncate it) and mostly redundant. # The inverted index functionality was added some time betwen # versions 11 and 15, so look for -q if version is above 14: >7 string >14 >>10 regex .+\ -q\ with inverted index >10 regex .+\ -c\ text (non-compressed)