/* Public domain */ #include #include #define Uint8 uint8_t #define Sint8 int8_t #define Uint16 uint16_t #define Sint16 int16_t #define Uint32 uint32_t #define Sint32 int32_t #define Uint unsigned #define Ulong unsigned long #include #include #ifndef PERL_REVISION # ifndef __PATCHLEVEL_H_INCLUDED__ # include "patchlevel.h" # endif # ifndef PERL_REVISION # define PERL_REVISION (5) # define PERL_VERSION PATCHLEVEL # define PERL_SUBVERSION SUBVERSION # endif #endif #if (PERL_VERSION == 5) && (PERL_SUBVERSION == 3) # ifndef PL_na # define PL_na na # endif # ifndef SvPV_nolen # define SvPV_nolen(sv) SvPV(sv, PL_na) # endif #endif #ifndef PERL_UNUSED_ARG #define PERL_UNUSED_ARG(x) ((void)sizeof(x)) #endif #ifndef NVTYPE typedef double NV; #endif #ifndef aTHX_ #define aTHX_ #endif #ifndef pTHX_ #define pTHX_ #endif #ifndef mPUSHp #define mPUSHp(p,l) PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpvn((p), (l)))) #endif #ifndef mPUSHi #define mPUSHi(i) PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv((i)))) #endif #ifndef mPUSHn #define mPUSHn(n) PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVnv((n)))) #endif /* How many event args belong to perl? */ #define AP_ARGS_MAX 1 /* Mapping of a Agar option flag to a string. */ typedef struct ap_flag_names { const char *name; Uint bitmask; } AP_FlagNames; extern void AP_MapHashToFlags(void *, const AP_FlagNames *, Uint *); extern int AP_SetNamedFlag(const char *, const AP_FlagNames *, Uint *); extern int AP_UnsetNamedFlag(const char *, const AP_FlagNames *, Uint *); extern int AP_GetNamedFlag(const char *, const AP_FlagNames *, Uint, Uint *); /* Agar-Core */ #include "perl_event.h" #include "perl_object.h" #include "perl_config.h" /* Agar-GUI base */ #include "perl_surface.h" #include "perl_font.h" #include "perl_widget.h" #include "perl_window.h" /* Agar-GUI widgets */ #include "perl_box.h" #include "perl_button.h" #include "perl_checkbox.h" #include "perl_combo.h" #include "perl_console.h" #include "perl_editable.h" #include "perl_filedlg.h" #include "perl_fixed.h" #include "perl_fixedplotter.h" #include "perl_graph.h" #include "perl_hsvpal.h" #include "perl_icon.h" #include "perl_label.h" #include "perl_menu.h" #include "perl_mpane.h" #include "perl_notebook.h" #include "perl_numerical.h" #include "perl_pane.h" #include "perl_pixmap.h" #include "perl_progressbar.h" #include "perl_radio.h" #include "perl_scrollbar.h" #include "perl_scrollview.h" #include "perl_separator.h" #include "perl_slider.h" #include "perl_socket.h" #include "perl_statusbar.h" #include "perl_table.h" #include "perl_textbox.h" #include "perl_tlist.h" #include "perl_toolbar.h" #include "perl_ucombo.h"