with agar.core; with interfaces.c; package agar.gui is package c renames interfaces.c; -- Flags for init_video type video_flags_t is new c.unsigned; HWSURFACE : constant video_flags_t := 16#001#; ASYNCBLIT : constant video_flags_t := 16#002#; ANYFORMAT : constant video_flags_t := 16#004#; HWPALETTE : constant video_flags_t := 16#008#; DOUBLEBUF : constant video_flags_t := 16#010#; FULLSCREEN : constant video_flags_t := 16#020#; RESIZABLE : constant video_flags_t := 16#040#; NOFRAME : constant video_flags_t := 16#080#; BGPOPUPMENU : constant video_flags_t := 16#100#; OPENGL : constant video_flags_t := 16#200#; OPENGL_OR_SDL : constant video_flags_t := 16#400#; NOBGCLEAR : constant video_flags_t := 16#800#; SDL : constant video_flags_t := 16#2000#; function init (flags : agar.core.init_flags_t := 0) return boolean; pragma inline (init); function init_video (width : positive; height : positive; bpp : natural; flags : video_flags_t := 0) return boolean; pragma inline (init_video); procedure destroy; pragma import (c, destroy, "AG_DestroyGUI"); procedure event_loop; pragma import (c, event_loop, "agar_event_loop"); procedure event_loop_fixed_fps; pragma import (c, event_loop_fixed_fps, "AG_EventLoop_FixedFPS"); end agar.gui;