with agar.core.error; with agar.core; package body demo is use type agar.gui.window.window_access_t; procedure init (name : string; video_width : integer := 640; video_height : integer := 480; window_width : integer := 320; window_height : integer := 240) is begin if not agar.core.init (name) then raise program_error with agar.core.error.get; end if; if not agar.gui.init_video (width => video_width, height => video_height, bpp => 32) then raise program_error with agar.core.error.get; end if; window := agar.gui.window.allocate_named (name => name & " test"); if window = null then raise program_error with agar.core.error.get; end if; agar.gui.window.set_caption (window, "demo"); agar.gui.window.set_geometry (window => window, x => 10, y => 10, width => window_width, height => window_height); end init; procedure run is begin agar.gui.window.show (window); agar.gui.event_loop; end run; procedure finish is begin null; end finish; end demo;